Score At Work ESD Line

Score At Work ESD wbs

Create the right chair for the individual workplace.

Ergonomic, modular, sustainable and economic responsible. Multi-purpose, multi-functional, multi-modular. The completely modular concept of the Score At Work system results in a suitable chair that can be assembled for any workplace. All modular components are interchangeable, can be individually replaced and are sustainably developed with a high recycle value. Score At Work: A Single Solution That Fits Us All!

ESD Line

The friction of different materials (especially plastic) generates static electricity. If you touch e.g. metal or more unfortunately “an ESD-sensitive component”, this may be discharged through you as small shocks. Unpleasant for you, but damaging to the electronic component you are working with. As a result, high repair and/or replacement costs. You can prevent this with an ESD-safe workplace (EPA). ESD stands for Electronic Static Discharge, i.e. the discharge of static electricity. By using conductive components and upholstery on our chairs, the static electricity is continuously discharged from the chair through the conductive floor to an earthed point in the workplace.

Score has an extensive range of approved ESD safe chairs, which can be delivered with a resistance of “1Mohm” to ensure a controlled discharge. The motto “no electrical charge means no discharge” is used as a basis for these chairs. Score ESD chairs and footrests comply with the “IEC 61340-5-1” directive and have been tested by the “SP Technical Research Institute” from Sweden

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