PBT Works | Cleaning Systems

Our machines remove any contamination from electronic assemblies, tools for the electronic assembly processes and delicate mechanical parts. Everywhere, where cleanliness really matters.


PCB Cleaning
Cleaning of PCB assemblies after the soldering process significantly improves the reliability of electronics devices. We design our automatic spray-in-air closed-loop zero-drain cleaning machines to clean any size, shape and complexity of electronic circuit boards under fully controlled cleaning conditions. Wide range of flexible tooling accessories allow quick changeovers from high-mix low-volumes to large capacity requirements. Our software provides full process documentation, specific MES and line automation connectivity.

Stencil Cleaning
Automated cleaning of SMD Stencils and squeegees significantly improves print quality and reduces risk of mechanical damage of the stencil compared to traditional manual cleaning. Our machines are tested to clean fine pitch stencils in thickness of 1-2 mils (25-50 ųm) ) with apertures 50 ųm and even lower.