SIGLENT presents its first handheld spectrum & vector network analyzer: The SHA850A series.
The expanding application of RF microwave technologies has increased the demand for field test requirements in mobile communication and wireless connectivity. The explosion of related industries such as 5G and IoT have created an extremely complicated electronic measurement environment. These demands and environments are increasingly shifting from laboratories and workstations to on site and outdoor applications, requiring handheld analytical and measurement instruments.
SIGLENT introduces a new member to our RF Microwave products family: The SHA850A series handheld spectrum & vector network analyzer. This new form factor is highly integrated and specifically designed for field operation. It is lightweight and portable with accurate measurements and flexible analysis capabilities. It is suitable for portable handheld operation with an included battery pack and carry bag. The SHA800A can easily handle advanced characterization or signal capture applications in harsh working environments. The SIGLENT SHA850A series handheld spectrum & vector network analyzer provides professional accuracy with flexible analysis capabilities and the ability to make measurements where you need them with a complete portable solution.
In spectrum analyzer mode measure up to 7.5 GHz with excellent RF specifications. The DANL is as low as -165 dBm, which can effectively identify small signal levels. The single sideband phase noise is <-104 dBc/Hz @1 GHz with a 10 kHz offset, comparable to a benchtop spectrum analyzer. An independent full frequency source (option) and the standard 25 dB preamplifier provide fast scanning speed and high sensitivity for a variety of applications. The measurable frequency range in vector network analyzer mode and cable and antenna measurement mode is from 100 kHz to 7.5 GHz with a dynamic range as high as 114 dB. This is critical for applications such as measuring the passband and out-of-band rejection performance of filters at the same time as well as measuring narrow-band devices with high rejection.
The SHA850A Series supports simultaneous measurement of amplitude and phase response, and simultaneous measurement of S11 and S21 parameters. Display echo/insertion loss, phase, group delay, standing wave ratio, Smith chart, polar chart, reflection/transmission coefficient and other formats that are all included. It also supports Distance to fault (DTF), time domain reflectometer (TDR), 1-port cable loss, 2-port insertion loss, return loss and VSWR measurement functions. Speed up transmission debugging and troubleshooting with modulation analysis options including ASK/FSK/PSK/MSK/QAM digital modulations and AM/FM/PM analog modulations. Intuitive measurements of EVM and transmission quality factors as well as visualization modes including eye-diagrams and constellations extend troubleshooting to complex signals and systems. The standing wave ratio (SWR) of an antenna is an index indicating the matching degree between antenna and base station. The larger the standing wave ratio, the higher the reflected power and the lower the transmission efficiency, that is, impedance mismatch. Advanced Time Domain Analysis (TDR) can accurately measure the characteristic impedance of transmission lines and help to locate the specific location of breakpoints or short circuits. Distance to fault measurements can be made to accurately locate the fault position of transmission line system components, which shows the magnitude of response signals at different positions along the signal path thus providing a basis for judging impedance changes that may affect performance. Using the DTF measurement trace, analyze transmission line components, cables, and connectors for damage due to mechanical stress, moisture, or other problems. Analyze signals on our 8.4-inch multi-touch display. Universal USB and LAN communication interfaces enable connections to a PC for remote control or for use with an external mouse and keyboard. The rugged instrument shell protects it from impact or external shock damage.
The SHA850A series weighs only 3,2 kg, suitable for outdoor and handheld operation. The included rechargeable battery lasts up to 4 hours. The instrument can be equipped with GPS positioning and logging functions that will automatically tag measurements as they are made with GPS positioning during survey work. Quickly identify bad signal sources in various field test environments, greatly reduce the workload required for positioning signals, and troubleshoot field issues in various scenarios including communication base stations, automobile OTA testing, and spectrum monitoring. The ANT-DA1 series handheld directional antenna has a frequency range of 10 MHz~8 GHz and is convenient to carry and operate. The antenna package includes three directional antennas with different frequency bands and a handle with a built-in broadband low-noise amplifier and a rechargeable battery. The handle is designed with two working modes of “through” and “amplification” to improve the dynamic range of the received signal. The SHA850A series portable spectrum analyzer has a wide range of applications and is suitable for test requirements including communication engineering, radio management, and telecom operation and maintenance. With solid RF performance, flexible analysis tools, and a complete portable solution, the SHA850A makes a great addition to any RF engineer’s field kit. Any Signal. Anytime. Anywhere.
Key Features:
- Spectrum Analyzer Frequency Range from 9 kHz up to 3.6 GHz/7.5 GHz
- Cable and Antenna Test Frequency Range from 100 kHz up to 7.5 GHz, Distance To Fault and Time Domain Analysis
- Vector Network Analyzer (Opt.*) Frequency Range from 100 kHz up to 7.5 GHz, Bias out up to 32VDC (Opt.*)
- -165 dBm/Hz Displayed Average Noise Level (Typ.)
- -104 dBc/Hz@1 GHz,10 kHz offset SSB Phase Noise (Typ.)
- Full bandwidth source (Opt.*) and standard preamplifier
- Analog and Digital Signal Modulation Analysis Mode (Opt.*)
- Advanced Measurement Kit with Waterfall chart (Opt.*)
- GPS Receiver and GPS Logging (Opt.*)
- Typical working time 4 hours, 3.2 kg net weight, 8.4 lnch Multi-Touch Screen